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How do I use my device?The simplest way is to just point the device at the area where you're experiencing pain and discomfort and turn it on. It really is that simple! For more ways to use the device, keep reading the FAQs below or check out our "How to Guide" (bottom of this page) which contains this information in an easily printable format.
I saw cheaper models available somewhere else.Our parent company, Prife International, is the only manufacturer of the iTeracare products. They do not sell their products directly, but sell their products through approved distributors (like us). They also set the prices world-wide. Distributors do not set the price. This means that everyone pays the same price for the same device world-wide. Therefore, if you buy a device from an unapproved vendor site (like Ebay), especially one that is cheaper than the standardized price, you will very likely be buying a "knock off". Due to the success of the devices, there are several other companies out there who started producing iTeraCare knock-offs over the past year. These devices are basically hair dryers in the shape and look of iTeraCare devices and do not produce the terahertz frequency. Therefore, they will not give you the result of using terahertz frequency.
What is the difference between the devices?All the devices deliver the same results, but at different rates. Really, the question boils down to preference, finances, and time. Most people who are new to iTeraCare and learning about terahertz frequency will initially buy the Classic device because of its affordability. The Classic device will deliver the same results as the Premium Plus or Pro, but it will take longer. It is recommended to use the Classic for at least 20 minutes, 3 times a day, on any problem areas. Many times, after a month or two, people will then "upgrade" from the Classic to either the Premium or the Pro, depending on their financial means. The reason for this is time. They see the benefit they are receiving from using the Classic, however it is harder to sit still for extended periods of time than you might think!
Which device is best for me?In the end, the decision is up to each person. For some people affordability is the most important issue and therefore the Classic is the best fit. If you feel that it will be difficult to sit still for 20-30 minutes at a time, then we would suggest you start with the Premium device, which will deliver the same result in about half the time (10-15 minute sessions). The Pro is the "Cadillac" of all of the devices. Firstly, it delivers the same result in about 5-10 minutes per session. Secondly, it is the sturdiest of all the devices as it is built to be used in a clinical setting. It also has a "cool" (no heat) setting which should be used by anyone with metal or cosmetic implants, so this is something you may also want to consider if you have any metal in your body or if you are a professional wanting to incorporate terahertz into your practice.
How does it work?The device is set to blow out air at the frequency called "Terahertz" (THz). We're all actually very familiar with the concept. A microwave emits frequencies in the "microwave" range of the electronic spectrum. It cannot change. The same is true for wi-fi, cell phones, and all other electronic devices we have around us in our world today. All of these electronics operate and resonate at different electronic frequencies – which are different from the natural frequency (THz) that ALL life operates at. Now that our world is inundated with these other frequencies all around us, they distort our body's natural THz frequency, making it hard for our cells to function properly and heal themselves. The device reintroduces the natural THz frequency of the body. Your cells then reverberate at this frequency - like a tuning fork. When your cells are tuned to their natural and correct frequency, they are able to function optimally, which includes healing themselves.
What is "Terahertz-Charged Water"?"Charging" your water with Terahertz (THz) frequency actually changes its molecular structure so that your cells are better able to absorb the water you drink, resulting in better cellular function! This is a fantastic place to start for most people, because it will help the body start the process of detoxification and will also bring hydration and Terahertz (THz) frequency to every cell in the body. To create THz-charged water, simply fill a glass pitcher or container (no metal or plastic) with water. Turn on your iTeraCare device and point it directly at the glass. The Terahertz (THz) frequency will go right through the glass, so there's no need to hold your device over the mouth of the jar or container. Let the water absorb the frequency (5-7 minutes for Classic, 2-3 minutes for Premium Plus, and about 1-2 minutes for Pro). You will start to see tiny bubbles forming in the water. Once done using the device, let the water sit for another 20-30 minutes before drinking. During this time, you will notice more and more bubbles forming on the inside of your glass container as the molecular structure changes throughout all the water. *Helpful Hint* - In order to prevent your iTeraCare device from rolling, place it on a towel on your counter. Roll one end of the towel and place it under the nose of your device to "point it upwards" towards the glass pitcher. **Be sure that the air intake or other holes on your device are not covered.** Run the device for a couple of minutes as indicated above and enjoy your THz-charged water!
Is it better to do a little or a lot?Start Slow. Remember, Terahertz (THz) resonates at the same frequency as healthy, human cells. When cells are introduced to this frequency, they begin to vibrate at their correct natural frequency, allowing them to operate at their fullest potential. Many of us have cells that have been bogged down for years for various reasons. Think about when you are feeling sick or sluggish or fatigued. Do you feel like cleaning your house when you feel this way? Probably not. Now think of how you feel when you get a burst of energy and start to feel like yourself again. What is one of the first things you do? You likely take a look around at your environment and get to work cleaning all the things you didn't have the energy to clean before. Your cells do the same thing! This means that, as your cells begin to operate more optimally, they are likely to start cleaning your body and taking out the trash. Therefore, it is normal to feel some detoxing symptoms (especially some drowsiness) when you start to use your iTeraCare device. For this reason, we suggest starting slow until you know how your body will respond. Start with 5-10 minutes and increase by an additional 5-15 minutes each day depending on how you feel. *Helpful Hint* - It is important that you let your body rest if it is tired. Remember that, even if you are sleeping, your body is hard at work. By allowing your body to rest when it is tired, you are helping it recuperate faster. So don't "push through" if you don't have to. It's time to start learning how to work with your body instead of against it.
Where is the best place to start?Target the Lymphatic System and Intestines One of the most useful things you can do is target your lymphatic system and intestines. Why? Because these systems are how "the trash (toxin buildup) gets taken out" of your body. Imagine if you did a deep "spring cleaning" of your home, but all the trash got piled up inside your doorway. It would cause a big problem, right? Your body has the same issue. If your cells are doing all that work to clean, but the trash gets stuck “at the door” and can’t actually be taken out of the body, it can cause a lot of problems. So, using your iTeraCare device to target the Terahertz (THz) frequency to the lymphatic and intestines first, enables them to start operating at their fullest potential, which means they start "cleaning house" as well. This is a GREAT way to get your body off to a healthy start and ensure the exit pathways are clear. *Helpful Hint* - If you have issues with constipation or being regular, you may find that using your iTeracare device on your "belly" (large intestines) between 7:00am-9:00am. This may prove helpful in getting things moving in the right direction. You will also find a lymphatic guide below. When targeting the lymphatic system, you may notice more body odor directly after using your iTeraCare device. This is normal as the odor is caused by "trash" that your lymphatic system has just cleaned out of your body. Showering will remedy it, of course. **Note that persons with high blood pressure SHOULD NOT DO #8 (use of the device directly on the head).
Is there anyone who should NOT use the device?**Use of this device is not suitable for the following:** Use by persons fitted with electronic implants as we do not want any interference with the frequency of your electronic implant. HEAT settings should not be used by persons with metal implants on/around those specific areas as heat penetrates the body up to 20-30cm. (A COOL/No Heat setting is available on the "Pro" Model). The device can be used on other parts of the body not near the metal implants. Persons with heart problems should avoid using on stents. Use for patients with acute disease. (Consult your medical professional) Use for women who are pregnant or menstruating as the use of Terahertz (THz) technology may increase circulation and blood flow. Use on areas with cosmetic implants. *Always read all instructions before use of any iTeraCare product.

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User Manuals

Getting Started
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Guide to Getting Started.
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